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“Excellent job. My case was dismissed, due to very professional services of Doug Murphy Law Firm.”-A.B.

Houston Drug Crimes Lawyer

Experienced Drug Crimes Attorney in Houston, TX

Drugs can get a person into some serious trouble in Texas. Illegal drugs are not the only problem; legal drugs—whether illegally or legally obtained—can also get you into trouble. From drugged driving (including marijuana DWI and prescription medicine DWI) to distribution of controlled substances, there are a number of drug crimes in Texas. And while other states have decriminalized or legalized marijuana for medical or recreational purposes, the substance remains illegal for any purpose in Texas. The State will pursue any drug crimes charge, too, and a conviction can lead to heavy penalties.

Retaining the best drug crimes lawyer for you in the Houston metropolitan area is key to your defense and your freedom. Doug Murphy has 25 years of experience in criminal defense with a proven record of going to trial. He is a litigator and believes in fighting a charge rather than settling via a plea deal, because therein lies your only path to a clean criminal record. So, if that's your intent, too, to fight the charge, then Doug Murphy—a Board Certified criminal defense lawyer based in Houston but representing clients throughout the greater metro region—may be the best lawyer for you.

Why Do You Need Houston's Best Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer?

The answer to why you need Houston's best drug crimes defense lawyer is simple: to avoid a conviction or to make your best case to avoid a conviction. Because a conviction can lead to serious consequences apart from jail or prison. A conviction can lead to life consequences known as collateral consequences because they are additional penalties imposed by society—so to speak—brought on by the conviction.

That same conviction can also serve as a reason for a judge to impose stricter punishment for a future conviction of any crime. Here's a little more on these things to help you better understand why it is ever so important to fight a drug crimes charge and why you need Houston's best drug crimes defense attorney to help you do so:

Collateral Consequences of a Drug Crimes Conviction

If you are convicted of a drug crime in Texas, your punishment does not end with the statutory penalty. Criminal convictions produce criminal records, and criminal records lead to collateral consequences. These consequences include:

  • Difficulty maintaining or finding a job due to criminal background checks that reveal your criminal history;
  • Difficulty getting admitted to some colleges or securing housing and/or financial aid, including grants or scholarships;
  • Possible suspension, revocation, or denial of a professional license, like a pilot's license, medical license, nursing license, teaching license, CPA license, or real estate license;
  • Difficulty obtaining or renewing security clearance;
  • Difficulty obtaining housing or mortgage loans;
  • Difficulty obtaining child custody or child visitation rights;
  • For felony drug convictions, the loss of your right to own and use a firearm; and/or
  • For felony drug convictions, the loss of your voting rights.

As you can see, a drug crimes conviction can have a serious negative impact on the quality of your life. If any of these things matter to you, then you need one of Houston's best criminal defense attorneys to represent and fight for you.

Repeat Offender Label & its Consequences

In Texas, a conviction of one crime can lead to stricter penalties if you are ever convicted of another crime again. A conviction of two or more felony crimes—regardless if the convictions were in Texas or another state—means you will be labeled a habitual offender. A habitual offender label is significant because it can enhance your sentencing upon another conviction.

An enhanced sentence means a higher likelihood of more jail or prison time as well as steeper fines. You are also less likely to receive probation or early release from incarceration.

Many drug crimes are misdemeanors, but some are felonies. Here's what sentencing enhancement looks like for all classifications of drug crimes. It is also important to point out that the below chart does not represent all enhancements. Individual statutes can have other, specific enhancements included for a specific drug penalty group.

Drug Crimes Classification

"Normal" Range of Punishment

Enhanced Sentencing according to Tex. Pen. Code § 12.42 et seq.

Class B misdemeanor

Up to 180 days in jail & up to $2,000 in fines

If the current Class B misdemeanor is proven, and you have on record a Class A or B misdemeanor or any felony, then there is a minimum of 30 days in jail.

Class A misdemeanor

Up to 1 year in jail & up to $4,000 in fines

If the current Class A misdemeanor is proven, and you have on record a Class A misdemeanor or any felony, then there is a minimum of 90 days in jail.

State jail felony

180 days to 2 years in jail & up to $10,000 in fines

If the current state jail felony is proven, and you have two state jail felonies on record, then penalties for a third conviction are punished as a third-degree felony:

2-10 years in prison.

Third-degree felony

2-10 years in prison & up to $10,000 in fines

If the current third-degree felony is proven, and you have another felony (apart from a state jail felony) on your record, then penalties for this conviction are punished as a second-degree felony, which means you could serve up to 20 years in prison.

Second-degree felony

2-20 years in prison & up to $10,000 in fines

If the current second-degree felony is proven, and you have another felony (apart from a state jail felony) on your record, then penalties for this conviction are punished as a first-degree felony, which means you could serve between 5 and 99 years in prison.

First-degree felony

5-99 years in prison & up to $10,000 in fines

If the current first-degree felony is proven, and you have another felony (apart from a state jail felony) on your record, then the minimum prison sentence is 15 years.

Having a prior conviction can have serious consequences for a future conviction. It is best to prevent a conviction at all costs. Thus, hiring the best defense attorney in Houston matters to your defense.

What Houston's Best Drug Crimes Defense Lawyer Can Do for You

Although much of proving a criminal charge depends on the facts and evidence provided to a judge and jury, much of defending against that charge depends on the attorney and his or her capability to develop a strong defense strategy.

Doug Murphy has been defending clients for 20 years. His trial experience is a testimony to his capability to develop strong defense strategies. And clients agree. With Doug Murphy, you get an attorney who is Board Certified in criminal law and who is committed to defending your rights and freedom.

Doug Murphy believes fully in holding the State, judge, and jury accountable to the legal principle that you are innocent until proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. He knows the court system. He knows the prosecutors. He knows the judges. He understands juries and how to develop their trust.

Doug Murphy represents clients who have been charged with drug crimes in the greater Houston metropolitan area. Some of these crimes have included the following:

There are defense strategies for drug crimes, and Doug Murphy will use any available defense as part of your defense strategy.

It is also important to note that diversion programs for offenses involving controlled substances may be available, but they are not always in your best interest. Doug Murphy will discuss these options with you so you can make an informed decision about how to proceed with your own case. To learn more, read through our FAQ on drug crimes and then contact Doug Murphy to ensure you receive the best possible representation in your drug crime case in Houston, Texas.

Contact Our Houston, TX Drug Crimes Defense Attorney

If you have been charged with a drug crime in the Houston metro area, contact Doug Murphy. Doug Murphy believes each and every client deserves a strong defense. Contact his office either online or at 713-229-8333 to get started on your strong defense today.

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