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WWE Superstar Jimmy Uso Acquitted on DWI Charges

 Posted on January 01,2020 in Uncategorized

After more than five months of litigation, WWE Superstar Jimmy Uso (real name: Joshua Fatu) was acquitted of driving while intoxicated charges in Escambia County, Florida. The trial followed an arrest outside of Pensacola, Florida on July 25, 2019.

Prior History

This marks a string of close calls for Uso, as this arrest was his third for DWI. To date, he has yet to be convicted of any of those charges. His previous arrests occurred in 2011 and 2013, all in the state of Florida.

These do not account for all of Uso's arrests. In February of 2019, he was also arrested in the Detroit area following an altercation with police during a traffic stop. Video of the stop shows Uso getting out of the vehicle driven by his wife after police asked to speak with her outside of the vehicle. Uso approached them aggressively and refused to heed their orders. Eventually, he complied after officers pulled their tasers.

In that incident, Uso was charged with disorderly conduct among other charges. He eventually pled no contest to a lesser charge and paid a fine. Jimmy's twin brother, Jey Uso, is also no stranger to these types of chargers. He was arrested for DWI in Texas in January of 2018.

The Arrest

According to law enforcement and traffic stop video, Uso was pulled over for speeding and driving erratically. The video reflects that in addition to high speeds, he was swerving between lanes without signaling.

When police encountered Uso, they alleged he seemed unsteady and smelled of alcohol. Uso refused to perform field sobriety tests and was arrested. After pleading not guilty, his trial date was set for December 2019.

Prevailing at Trial

At trial, Uso did not testify. His defense was built around holding the state to their burden of proof and showing that they failed to meet it. The case was heard by an Escambia County jury, which ultimately found Uso innocent of DWI but guilty of speeding. While Uso had no comment after the trial, his attorney had this to say:

A cop can arrest you, but they cannot convict you and that's why we took it to the next level and plead [sic] not guilty and set out for a case trial.

The Benefits of a Skilled Houston DWI Trial Attorney

Your initial reaction might be that another rich, famous athlete avoided a conviction. The reality, however, is that everyone is entitled to a skilled legal defense. There are serious misconceptions about DWI cases in Texas, and one of those is that they are impossible to win.

Remember, the burden of proving your guilt is on the prosecutor and the government. If they fail to meet that high legal burden of proof, you are entitled to an acquittal. With the right defense, most everyone has a chance to prevail in a DWI trial with a veteran board-certified DWI defense attorney. It is because of this fact that attorney Doug Murphy prepares every case as if it would ultimately go before a jury. A trial not only gives you the chance of avoiding a conviction, but it could also result in a lighter sentence compared to a plea bargain. To discuss your options following a DWI arrest, contact the Doug Murphy Law Firm, P.C. right away.

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