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What is a Terroristic Threat?
The term "terroristic threat" sounds like it should be reserved for very serious things like credible bomb threats or threatening a school shooting and causing a long lockdown. However, it is very possible to find yourself being charged with terroristic threats after making a poorly-timed joke on the internet or posting a sarcastic comment that was taken out of context. The majority of people who are charged with terroristic threats never had the intention or even the tools to carry out the alleged threat. However, the state does not need to prove that you had any intention of carrying out the threat - only that you intended to cause fear or disruption. If you have been charged with making a terroristic threat, you need an experienced Houston, TX criminal defense attorney right away.
How is a Terroristic Threat Different Than a Simple Threat?
A simple threat is generally a threat against a single person you know personally. For example, if you are arguing in person with your ex and say, "I am going to break your nose for that," you have likely made a simple threat. A terroristic threat is designed to cause fear on a larger scale or to disrupt public or official activities. For example, calling in a bomb threat to your college in an effort to postpone a test you did not study for can cause a great number of people to fear for their lives, disrupt university classes, and elicit a police response. This would be considered a terroristic threat.
What if I Was Only Joking?
A lot of people facing terroristic threat charges claim that they were making a joke. Even if it is entirely true that you were trying to be funny and did not think anyone would take you seriously, the prosecution may still try to argue that you intended the joke or prank to cause fear in others. This situation has only become more common with the rise of short video-sharing apps, social media, and video gaming platforms that allow users to communicate with other players. It is best to assume that anything you post or say to a broad audience could be taken out of context and consider whether it could be construed as a threat.
How Terroristic Threat Charges Can Affect Minors
A lot of people charged with terroristic threats are juveniles who have made threats against their schools, made a joke about carrying out acts of violence online, or were playing a misguided prank. Many of these juveniles are charged as adults. Having a terroristic threat charge on your record can make getting into college or even being accepted into a trade program challenging and could impede your efforts to find a job in the future. You will need a criminal defense attorney who is experienced in working with juveniles to help you.
Contact a Houston, TX Terroristic Threat Lawyer
Terroristic threats can be a very serious charge. If you have been accused of making a terroristic threat, Murphy & McKinney Law Firm, P.C. can fight for you in court. Experienced Harris County, TX terroristic threat attorney Doug Murphy will do all he can to guard you against out-of-proportion charges. Contact us at 713-229-8333 for a complimentary consultation.